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The Relevance of The British Monarchy – Exploring  the Role of The British Monarchy Today

Nmesoma Okwudili


April 13, 2023

For centuries, the monarchy has played vital roles in British society. Today, King Charles III and the royal family continue to serve as symbols of national unity and identity. 

The British monarchy has ancient roots and has undergone numerous transformations over the centuries. The British monarchy is a political system in which the monarch holds supreme authority. This individual serves as the nation’s chief executive and inherits their position. In modern Britain, the monarchy serves ceremonial, symbolic, and diplomatic functions, but it remains an important institution in British society.

A crucial function of the British monarchy is to serve as a unifying force for the nation. The monarch represents the entire nation and its citizens, regardless of their religious or ethnic backgrounds. As a symbol of national unity, the monarchy contributes to the British sense of pride and identity. In 2012, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee was a notable event that brought the nation together to recognise and celebrate her long reign.

Another primary function of the British monarchy is the ceremonial function. As head of state, the king performs a variety of ceremonial duties, including opening Parliament, granting royal assent to legislation, and presenting awards and honours. These responsibilities contribute to a sense of national identity and unity, attract tourists, and stimulate the economy.

The monarchy also serves a symbolic function, representing the nation’s values and traditions. The royal family is viewed as a symbol of continuity and stability, and their presence strengthens the nation’s sense of identity. Moreover, the king represents the Commonwealth by maintaining diplomatic relations with other countries and promoting British values abroad.”Many people find solace in the fascination, magic, continuity, and stability that a monarchy with a dynasty that has played this role for centuries provides.”

An additional essential function of the monarchy is to serve as a link between the country’s history and traditions. The British monarchy has a long and illustrious history, and its continuity through time helps connect the present with the past. It also plays a crucial role in promoting British culture internationally. For instance, the Queen’s annual Christmas message is an integral part of British culture and is viewed by millions of people worldwide.

Despite its primarily ceremonial role, the British monarchy has constitutionally essential functions. The monarch is responsible for opening and closing Parliament and appointing the Prime Minister. Despite the fact that these powers are primarily symbolic, their functions are essential to the stability of the British political system. Neutrality and impartiality of the monarch are essential for maintaining the country’s political equilibrium.

Additionally, the monarchy promotes British interests abroad. Each year, the king and other members of the royal family participate in a number of state visits and diplomatic missions, which serve to strengthen ties with other countries and promote British trade and culture. The global reach and influence of the monarchy remain a vital diplomatic asset for the United Kingdom.

Despite criticism, the monarchy continues to provide numerous benefits for modern Britain. A sense of national unity is one of the monarchy’s most significant benefits. The monarch and his family preserve political stability through event management and the formation of political alliances. The king can unite the nation in a way that transcends political divisions and provides a sense of continuity.

Additionally, the monarchy provides economic benefits to the nation. As stated previously, the ceremonial duties of the king attract tourists and contribute to the economy. In addition, the royal family generates substantial revenue from tourism, merchandise, and other commercial activities. According to a report by Brand Finance, the British monarchy annually contributes £1.8 billion to the economy of the United Kingdom.

While the monarchy has a number of benefits, it also faces a number of criticisms. The cost of maintaining the monarchy is one of the most serious criticisms. Many argue that the royal family’s substantial public funding would be better spent on other public services. 

In addition, the monarchy’s hereditary system can raise questions about the monarch’s legitimacy.

The monarchy is also criticised for its perceived lack of accountability. The king and other members of the royal family do not have to answer to the public or the government, which can cause them to become detached from contemporary issues.

 In addition, the symbolic role of the monarchy can occasionally obscure more pressing political issues, leading to accusations of political interference.

In recent years, the monarchy of the United Kingdom has undergone significant changes, particularly in its relationship with the media and public scrutiny. The emergence of social media has made it more difficult for the monarchy to maintain its traditional privacy and discretion, and members of the royal family have been involved in a number of high-profile controversies and scandals. These issues have raised questions about the relevance and viability of the monarchy in the contemporary world.

Despite these obstacles, the monarchy continues to be a prominent institution in modern Britain. A 2018 survey revealed that 74% of Britons supported the monarchy’s continuation, while only 13% supported its abolition. Numerous Britons consider the monarchy to be an integral component of their cultural heritage and value its stability and continuity.

In conclusion, the monarchy’s role in modern Britain is primarily ceremonial and symbolic, but it remains an important institution. The monarchy is a symbol of British culture and identity as well as a unifying force for the nation. Despite facing challenges and controversies, the monarchy continues to be a popular and respected institution among British citizens. As long as it adapts and evolves, the monarchy will likely continue to play an important role in British society for many years.


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