May 26th 2023
Today’s Topics
Trump Russia
Culture War
Trump Russia
In the wake of recent revelations, it is now abundantly clear that the entire Trump-Russia collusion narrative was nothing more than a malicious hoax perpetuated by the Democrats, mainstream media, FBI, and DOJ. The declassified documents released by the Senate Judiciary Committee in July 2020 dismantled the New York Times’ false claims of “repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials” by the Trump team. This blatant dishonesty by the media aimed to fuel the Russiagate narrative from the very beginning. More shocking still is the revelation that it was Hillary Clinton’s campaign that orchestrated the entire Trump-Russia collusion narrative. Robbie Mook, her former campaign manager, admitted as much under oath during the Sussman trial in May 2022. The Democrats knew that the collusion narrative was a lie, yet they shamelessly used it in their desperate attempt to overthrow a duly elected president. Innocent men were unjustly jailed and financially ruined as a result of their coup attempt. Special Counsel John Durham’s final report further confirms the magnitude of this historic scam. It concludes that the FBI had no verified intelligence when it launched the Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Trump in 2016. The Trump-Russia hoax was nothing short of a government scandal, orchestrated by those entrusted with upholding justice and the truth. Despite the mainstream media’s attempts to downplay these revelations, the American public is increasingly aware of this massive deception. A majority of voters, 63% to be exact, believe that the Trump-Russia collusion narrative was a politically motivated attack on Trump. They demand accountability and consequences for the lawlessness displayed by the FBI. In a separate matter, the unanimous decision by the US Supreme Court against the Environmental Protection Agency’s attempt to impose new regulations on bodies of water showcases the importance of a court that upholds the rule of law. Instead of acknowledging the court’s ruling, Senator Chuck Schumer resorted to politicising the decision, dubbing it a “MAGA” court. This blatant dishonesty demonstrates the left’s obsession with climate change and their willingness to sacrifice the truth for their radical agenda. It is clear that the Democrats and their allies in the media are willing to stoop to any level to advance their political objectives, even if it means peddling baseless narratives and attacking the integrity of our institutions. The American people deserve transparency, accountability, and a commitment to the truth. The exposure of the collusion hoax and Schumer’s attempts to politicise court decisions only serve to highlight the urgent need for a conservative approach that prioritises the rule of law, protects individual liberties, and upholds the principles on which this nation was founded.

In a recent episode of The Ezra Levant Show, the British Broadcasting Corporation’s latest initiative to combat disinformation and enhance audience trust, known as BBC Verify, came under scrutiny. Host Ezra Levant raised important questions about the structure and qualifications of the team leading this effort. Levant pointed out the curious position of a young lady claiming to be above other journalists within the newsroom. He questioned her expertise in providing accurate information about war zones based on her ability to navigate Google Maps and her educational background in French and Russian languages. Levant rightly asked what makes her more senior and knowledgeable than seasoned BBC journalists who have dedicated their careers to reporting from conflict-ridden areas. The issue at hand is not the necessity of combatting disinformation or ensuring audience trust, but rather the hierarchical structure of the BBC Verify team. Levant’s concerns highlight the hubris of placing individuals without substantial experience or expertise in a position of authority over seasoned journalists who have witnessed and reported on the realities of war. While it is essential to address misinformation, it is equally important to consider the credibility and qualifications of those entrusted with this responsibility. Mere fluency in foreign languages should not automatically grant one the authority to verify the truth in complex and sensitive matters. Expertise should be earned through firsthand experience, rigorous investigative journalism, and a proven track record of accuracy and integrity. As Levant aptly points out, relying on someone with social media fame or linguistic skills may not be the most reliable way to combat disinformation. It is crucial to respect the contributions and expertise of journalists who have spent years honing their craft and reporting from the front lines. In the pursuit of truth and audience trust, the BBC should reassess the structure of its initiatives like BBC Verify. Placing undue emphasis on individuals without the necessary qualifications and experience risks compromising the credibility and effectiveness of such efforts. True expertise should be valued and respected, ensuring that those entrusted with combating disinformation are genuinely capable of providing accurate and reliable information to the public.
Culture War

Major brands like Bud Light and Target have recently found themselves embroiled in a conservative battle due to their campaigns in support of LGBTQ people. Target, after receiving threats to its employees, decided to pull some LGBTQ-themed items from stores, while Bud Light faced backlash and calls for a boycott from right-wing commentators for partnering with a transgender influencer. This growing controversy surrounding brands’ support for LGBTQ rights can be attributed, in part, to the increasing power of a vocal minority of far-right political commentators, conservative politicians, and religious legal groups. These groups not only oppose LGBTQ rights but also support a wave of state legislation seeking to restrict those rights. While many mainstream brands have been supporting LGBTQ people for years, the difference now is the rise of social media-fueled conspiracy theories and the surge in anti-LGBTQ bills in state legislatures. This has intensified the backlash faced by companies. The influence of conservative figures like Matt Walsh, who have been advocating aggressive boycott tactics, cannot be ignored. These voices have gained traction and have been amplified by social media platforms and certain news outlets. The controversies surrounding Target and Bud Light were ignited by a small number of individuals but quickly spread due to the reach of social media. However, it is crucial to recognise that the backlash is not representative of the majority of Americans. Organisations like the Human Rights Campaign argue that far-right extremists are sensing an opportunity in the face of recent anti-LGBTQ legislation and an increasingly hostile climate. Corporate allyship, which has seen significant progress over the years, will be put to the test during Pride Month. Brands will need to stand by their values and navigate the challenges posed by legislation and vocal conservative opponents. As the LGBTQ community faces dehumanisation and discrimination, it is essential for allies and brands to remain steadfast in their support. Despite the current backlash, the majority of Americans believe in equality and the freedom of LGBTQ individuals to live without discrimination. In this ever-evolving landscape, it is crucial for brands to stay true to their inclusive principles and continue advocating for LGBTQ rights. The resilience and determination of the LGBTQ community and their allies will play a crucial role in shaping a more accepting and inclusive future.

In trying to comprehend the unwavering support for Donald Trump, one must delve into the intricate workings of human psychology. Trump’s controversial statements and actions have left many puzzled, particularly considering the diverse group of individuals who continue to rally behind him. This article aims to shed light on the psychological mechanisms employed by Trump supporters, highlighting how they reconcile their values with their allegiance to the former president. One defence mechanism observed among Trump supporters is the denial of his transgressions. They dismiss negative judgments against Trump as biased, claiming he is a perpetual victim of persecution. This allows them to preserve the notion that their beliefs align with their actions, regardless of the evidence presented. While Trump’s flaws may be acknowledged, supporters argue that his role as a “fighter” for their cause outweighs any imperfections, considering him a necessary force against the opposition. Another justification employed by Trump supporters is the tendency to catastrophes the potential consequences of Democratic leadership. They view the left as an existential threat to their values and the nation, amplifying their fear and desperation. The constant exposure to alarming narratives in the media reinforces this perception, leading supporters to believe that their unwavering support for Trump is essential for the preservation of everything they hold dear. To alleviate cognitive dissonance, Trump supporters often attempt to portray President Joe Biden as more corrupt than Trump himself. By focusing on unproven allegations against Biden and attempting to draw parallels to Watergate, they aim to shift the perception of moral superiority back to their side. Even in the absence of incriminating evidence, Republicans continue to accuse Biden, seeking to level the playing field and prevent Trump from being seen as uniquely corrupt. Supporters also construct a narrative of Trump’s presidency as an unqualified success. They selectively focus on areas they perceive as victories, such as conservative appointments to the courts and religious liberty protections, while downplaying or ignoring areas of disappointment or failure. This selective perception allows them to maintain their support for Trump, even in the face of contrary evidence. Understanding the complex psychology of Trump supporters reveals the lengths individuals may go to reconcile their beliefs and actions. Despite the ethical transgressions and controversies surrounding Trump, his supporters have employed various defence mechanisms to justify their unwavering loyalty. By denying or rationalising his actions, catastrophising the opposition, comparing corruption, and selectively perceiving his presidency, they maintain their support for a figure they believe represents their cause. Whether or not these justifications will be challenged in the future remains uncertain, but it is clear that Trumpism has made a lasting impact on American politics.

Black Lives Matter’s Global Network Foundation (BLM GNF) is facing financial troubles, with an $8.5 million deficit and a significant drop in donations. The foundation’s financial disclosures reveal multiple concerning aspects. Despite the financial strain, BLM GNF continued to pay exorbitant salaries, including seven-figure sums to some staff members. The organisation also faced criticism for hiring relatives of the founder, Patrisse Cullors, and board members. Cullors’ brother, Paul Cullors, received $1.6 million for providing security services without relevant experience. Additionally, financial filings revealed payments to companies owned by the father of Cullors’ child and a consulting firm owned by a former board member’s sister. Cullors stepped down as head of BLM GNF in 2021 amidst controversies surrounding the organisation’s finances and lack of transparency. The new board, led by Cicley Gay, a three-time bankrupt, aims to address these financial challenges and establish efficient infrastructure. BLM’s financial decisions have sparked concerns about the handling of donor funds.
Trump Russia
Culture War