
42 Million Naira School In Lagos?

Nmesoma Okwudili


May 1, 2024

The administration of Charterhouse, a recently established educational institution located in Lekki, Lagos, has addressed the concerns surrounding its annual fee of N42 million. Amid public criticism regarding the perceived exorbitance of the fees, especially the N42 million charged for primary school students and a non-refundable registration fee of N2 million, the management has defended its pricing structure.

Some have complained that these fees are unreasonable given Nigeria’s current economic situation and the financial burden they place on parents. However, the school’s director of marketing, admissions, and communications, Damilola Olatunbosun, has provided explanations for these costs.

Olatunbosun claims that Charterhouse is dedicated to offering a top-notch, value-driven education. The focus on value implies that the school strives to provide outstanding learning opportunities and results that justify the financial commitment of the parents. This viewpoint is consistent with the school’s goal of becoming a preeminent establishment in the field of education.

According to Olatunbosun, “Charterhouse is not just like every other school anywhere globally but a prestigious and value-driven world-class educational institution that parents, who love quality and second to none education will always want their children to be.”

By positioning itself as a provider of premium education, Charterhouse justifies its fee structure by emphasizing the quality of its educational services, infrastructure, and faculty. This positioning suggests that parents who opt for Charterhouse are investing not just in education but also in the holistic development and future success of their children.

Furthermore, Olatunbosun’s statement implies that the school’s fees reflect the resources and investments required to maintain its standards of excellence. This includes funding for state-of-the-art facilities, specialized programs, qualified staff, and ongoing professional development.

Despite facing criticism, the school spokesperson highlighted that numerous parents have shown keen interest in enrolling their children at Charterhouse. Importantly, he emphasized that these parents are not taken aback by the school’s fees, as they fall within their financial means.

He elaborated that prospective parents, both within Nigeria and abroad, recognize the unparalleled quality of education that Charterhouse pledges to deliver. For them, the investment in their children’s education transcends mere monetary considerations; it’s about securing value. They understand that the cost of sending their children overseas for similar standards of education would far exceed what Charterhouse offers, considering foreign exchange rates, associated expenses, and the convenience of proximity.

Moreover, he asserted that Charterhouse boasts facilities unrivaled by any other educational institution in Nigeria. Even though academic activities have yet to commence and construction work is ongoing, the infrastructure already in place surpasses that of existing schools. However, he emphasized that Charterhouse isn’t solely about physical structures; it places equal importance on academic excellence, extracurricular activities, and overall value for its students.

Addressing the possibility of fee reduction in response to public outcry, the spokesperson drew an analogy likening education to dining choices. Just as individuals opt for different restaurants offering meals at varying prices, the value derived from each meal differs. Similarly, at Charterhouse, the emphasis is not just on affordability but on providing unmatched value for the investment made by parents.

While Charterhouse defends its fees, critics argue that they are unrealistic amidst Nigeria’s economic challenges. The disparity between such fees and the financial realities of many families raises concerns about accessibility and equity in education. Balancing quality and affordability remains crucial for ensuring inclusive access to education in a struggling economy.


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